BOOKs i've read

  • Dark calling by : darren
  • Fahrenhiet
  • Groosham grange by: anthony horowitz
  • Hell's heroes by: darren shan
  • Jumped
  • MAUS( complete book) by: art spigelman
  • pet sematary by: Stephen king
  • phantom tollbooth by:
  • Resitance by: carla
  • Stitches By: David Small
  • The Dead and The Gone
  • walking dead

Thursday, November 17, 2011


 I'm in the middle of reading the book "Maus" by Art spiegelman. This book is a graphic novel about the Holocaust, and how a person survives the war. What i found interesting about the book is that it that the author has a different way of telling the story, he just doesnt tell about how his dad ( main character of the book) survives the war, while he's writing the story about his dad in the war, he's also writing the story of how his dad's life is going after the war and how the war affected his dad. He chose a different writing style and it gave more information about the war and what was goinging on even after it.
I think the author chose a good way of telling his story becuase it gives the reader a understanding of what the war did to people. Even after the war was over, the aftermath affected alot of people.
For me the way that the author wrote his story it made me feel like it was real, it felt like the event acually happened (it did), it just gave me that extra feeling of the what the Holocaust must've felt like.
It also made me realize that these terrible things do happen and no matter what happens life must keep on going.