BOOKs i've read

  • Dark calling by : darren
  • Fahrenhiet
  • Groosham grange by: anthony horowitz
  • Hell's heroes by: darren shan
  • Jumped
  • MAUS( complete book) by: art spigelman
  • pet sematary by: Stephen king
  • phantom tollbooth by:
  • Resitance by: carla
  • Stitches By: David Small
  • The Dead and The Gone
  • walking dead

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Outsiders: Coming of age

   I think that ponybot is experiencing a lot of hate and betrayal in this book because of what his older brother did.Darry had hit him across the face when Ponyboy talked back to him. Ponyboy's only family now is his two brothers and they are really close, he felt betrayed because no matter what happened his brothers were always there for him. For example in the beginning of the book Ponyboy had went to the movies alone. He risked getting jumped by the Rich boy gang called the Socs. Turned out he did get jumped but good thing was his brothers and his gang was there.
  Now Ponyboy probably hates Darry for hitting him. Darry and ponyboy constantly get into fights and Ponyboy never had gotten hit by Darry. It was a rule in the house that there wasn't supposed to be any violence. What I think about this is that Darry really wants what's best for Ponyboy. Darry shouldn't have hit Ponyboy but I think Darry really wants him to behave and do what's right, and not follow in his foot steps. Darry was really good in high school and was on the football team but since his parents died he had to take all the responsibility of his brothers.
   Ponyboy is getting really good grades in school and he is really good at Track, he might even be able to join the track team, but since he;s in a gang there's a lot of ways that he can ruin it. Also the said he wanted to drop out of school and that's going to be a waste of everything. Darry really wants ponyboy to get a chance of doing something big.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The outcasts: coming of age

   I'm about halfway through the book "The Outsiders" and what I think about the main character is that he lives his life in fear, but he doesn't really let it get in his way. Ponyboy is the main character and in the begging of the book he gets jumped by a gang of rich kids. What I think the author is trying to say about youth is that try not to let anything get in your way and not to live your life in fear of anything.
  Ponyboy goes to the movies by himself in the beginning of the book and get jumped by a gang called the socs but luckily his friends were there and saved him. Ponyboy is also in a gang called the greasers and the greasers put alot of grease in thier hair. Ponyboy's parents had died and now he lives with his two brothers and they protect and take care of him.
 Even with responsible and caring brothers it's hard to find someone that he can really talk to. Ponyboy's big brother is very harsh on him and sometimes loses him anger. It's hard to find someone that you can really relate to if you don't have parent's around. Also there isn't anyone that can give advice on how to solve problems.
  What I think the author is trying to say about youth is that. You shouldn't live your life in fear and you should try out new things, you just have to be careful about things.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reading response

   I'm in the beginning of reading the book "Godless" and what I found out is that the main character is very caring about the people that are around him. His best freind is very smart but is uncapable of doing physical activities that well. Also there is this girl that he likes, and he trys hard to protect both of thier feelings.
   The main character Jason has a best friend Shin, Shin enjoys collecting snails as his hobby and Jason respects that. Once when they went snail hunting and met up with some bullies, Jason stood by Shin's side even though he knew that they were gonna get hurt. Jason stood by his side even though he knew that they were gonna be made fun of in school.
  Jason likes this girl Magda and she is with him in this chruch program. In the program they talk about thier feelings towards religion and what they think should happen. Jason respects what Magda says and also cares about who she hangs out with.
  Jason might be like very caring and loving but i think he is a bit too caring, it gets him in trouble. I think Jason should mind his own buisness because all of his other friends don't like shin that much but Jason doesn't want to hurt Shin's feelings so he keeps secrets from him.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

when I read this poem I thought that it was mostly just describing the painting, and what's happening in it. The poem has 3 stanzas and I think each stanza are describing different things.

When I read the first stanza I can see that it's just like a description of the painting by Van Gogh,  the stanza says that the night boils with eleven stars and I see well in the painting "Starry night" that it does have many stars and it does have eleven stars. Also in the painting I can see a large cypress tree at the left side, and it fills like the whole half of the painting, and the tree is also described in the first stanza of the poem.
I think the second and last stanza of the poem is about Van Gogh and how he felt because there is this line "The unseen serpent swallows the stars" and I think what he means that all the happiness, which I think is represented by the stars are swallowed up, and he just is feeling sad. In the last stanza there is this line that says " to split from my life" I feel like it means that Van Gogh wants to end life quickly and it just gives a feeling of death.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

letter Re: Romeo And Juliet

   Some observations I made while reading "Romeo And Juliet" is that the author changes the word and it makes the book very confusing, but the book has translations on the opposite page, but it still is a little bit confusing because of the way the characters talk. Now I understand that everyone has a little bit of a different understanding of what the script means.
   I think Shakespeare is really hard but if you know the words that is commonly used it can be really easy to know what the story is about. If my friend were to read Shakespeare I would advice him to get a Shakespearean dictionary or an easier version of the book that you are currently reading. It can be really hard if you just started but it gets easier at the end.
    Some thoughts that i have about Rome and Juliet is that why the author writes the translations of the words that you don't know if you don't know what the sentence means?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

reading response: walking with the dead.

   In the book "Walking with the dead" the main character Alex has many problems that he has to overcome. In the beginning of the book Alex is dealing with a bully at his school, which gets 5 dollars from Alex each week, if Alex doesn't give him 5 dollars he beats him up. Also at home his mother isn't with him anymore so his dad is depressed all the time, and his dad doesn't have a job so coming up with the 5 bucks a week is stressing him out.
  The bully isn't just causing problems for Alex, he's causing problems for his dad too, the bully is causing problems for his dad because seeing Alex everyday stressed out is affecting his mood. Alex dosen't really talk to his dad because he's worrying about Slug, the bully and how he's gonna make 5 bucks a week.
   His dad doesn't have a job because of the economy and how everything is changing, Alex's dad plans on making a reopening of his Museum with the new mummy that he has, but His dad feel's like Alex is unsupportive of this idea because Alex won't talk to him much since he has many worries on his mind.
  The way people act may have a bigger impact than you know of like Slug the bully only cares about the 5 dollars that he gets a week and Alex only cares about how he's gonna get it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

sonnet: DRAFT

Looks of her smile smile warms my heart,
 Her eyes shine so bright it melts me like I’m on fire,
 Her presence enlightens my soul,
 These are the things she makes me feel,
But there's only one thing I would like to say,
She’s the only one that can make me feel this way.
im light as a feather when she's near,
just her presence wash away my fears,
now that she's entered my mind.
No matter her height, no matter her knowledge.
She'll always appear perfect in my eyes.
She makes it stop every time she walks by.
i want to explain myself but i just cant seem to.
im just too shy...