BOOKs i've read

  • Dark calling by : darren
  • Fahrenhiet
  • Groosham grange by: anthony horowitz
  • Hell's heroes by: darren shan
  • Jumped
  • MAUS( complete book) by: art spigelman
  • pet sematary by: Stephen king
  • phantom tollbooth by:
  • Resitance by: carla
  • Stitches By: David Small
  • The Dead and The Gone
  • walking dead

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reading response

   I'm in the beginning of reading the book "Godless" and what I found out is that the main character is very caring about the people that are around him. His best freind is very smart but is uncapable of doing physical activities that well. Also there is this girl that he likes, and he trys hard to protect both of thier feelings.
   The main character Jason has a best friend Shin, Shin enjoys collecting snails as his hobby and Jason respects that. Once when they went snail hunting and met up with some bullies, Jason stood by Shin's side even though he knew that they were gonna get hurt. Jason stood by his side even though he knew that they were gonna be made fun of in school.
  Jason likes this girl Magda and she is with him in this chruch program. In the program they talk about thier feelings towards religion and what they think should happen. Jason respects what Magda says and also cares about who she hangs out with.
  Jason might be like very caring and loving but i think he is a bit too caring, it gets him in trouble. I think Jason should mind his own buisness because all of his other friends don't like shin that much but Jason doesn't want to hurt Shin's feelings so he keeps secrets from him.

1 comment:

  1. i think that i can relate to that
    because when i was little i was always so nice but when i got annoyed with people id still be nice because i felt it was just respectful to do that
    nice post
    love the feeling and organization
