BOOKs i've read

  • Dark calling by : darren
  • Fahrenhiet
  • Groosham grange by: anthony horowitz
  • Hell's heroes by: darren shan
  • Jumped
  • MAUS( complete book) by: art spigelman
  • pet sematary by: Stephen king
  • phantom tollbooth by:
  • Resitance by: carla
  • Stitches By: David Small
  • The Dead and The Gone
  • walking dead

Monday, October 31, 2011


1.i read some people's blogs like rhamel's
and i saw that they mostly wrote about what the story is about and  some of them i like the way
they connected to the books.
2..I read dania's and i can tell that she likes the book because of the strong connections she wrote in her blog.
some connections i can make is that they are mostly wrote about connections to their lives.
3.i like how he used alot of statistics inside his post. yohance.

4.pooja. (name sake)
i think she did a really good job becuase she's focusing on one main idea, about how 2 people get married.
5. pooja ( the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe)
i think she did a raelly good job on this becasue i felt, like she elaborated alot on her idea.
6. pooka (Inconvinent truth)
i think this blog post was really good becuase she gave alot of examples to how the climate changes affects the planet.

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