I'm about halfway through the book "The Outsiders" and what I think about the main character is that he lives his life in fear, but he doesn't really let it get in his way. Ponyboy is the main character and in the begging of the book he gets jumped by a gang of rich kids. What I think the author is trying to say about youth is that try not to let anything get in your way and not to live your life in fear of anything.
Ponyboy goes to the movies by himself in the beginning of the book and get jumped by a gang called the socs but luckily his friends were there and saved him. Ponyboy is also in a gang called the greasers and the greasers put alot of grease in thier hair. Ponyboy's parents had died and now he lives with his two brothers and they protect and take care of him.
Even with responsible and caring brothers it's hard to find someone that he can really talk to. Ponyboy's big brother is very harsh on him and sometimes loses him anger. It's hard to find someone that you can really relate to if you don't have parent's around. Also there isn't anyone that can give advice on how to solve problems.
What I think the author is trying to say about youth is that. You shouldn't live your life in fear and you should try out new things, you just have to be careful about things.
Unit 10 Vocab Sentances
12 years ago