BOOKs i've read

  • Dark calling by : darren
  • Fahrenhiet
  • Groosham grange by: anthony horowitz
  • Hell's heroes by: darren shan
  • Jumped
  • MAUS( complete book) by: art spigelman
  • pet sematary by: Stephen king
  • phantom tollbooth by:
  • Resitance by: carla
  • Stitches By: David Small
  • The Dead and The Gone
  • walking dead

Sunday, March 25, 2012

letter Re: Romeo And Juliet

   Some observations I made while reading "Romeo And Juliet" is that the author changes the word and it makes the book very confusing, but the book has translations on the opposite page, but it still is a little bit confusing because of the way the characters talk. Now I understand that everyone has a little bit of a different understanding of what the script means.
   I think Shakespeare is really hard but if you know the words that is commonly used it can be really easy to know what the story is about. If my friend were to read Shakespeare I would advice him to get a Shakespearean dictionary or an easier version of the book that you are currently reading. It can be really hard if you just started but it gets easier at the end.
    Some thoughts that i have about Rome and Juliet is that why the author writes the translations of the words that you don't know if you don't know what the sentence means?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

reading response: walking with the dead.

   In the book "Walking with the dead" the main character Alex has many problems that he has to overcome. In the beginning of the book Alex is dealing with a bully at his school, which gets 5 dollars from Alex each week, if Alex doesn't give him 5 dollars he beats him up. Also at home his mother isn't with him anymore so his dad is depressed all the time, and his dad doesn't have a job so coming up with the 5 bucks a week is stressing him out.
  The bully isn't just causing problems for Alex, he's causing problems for his dad too, the bully is causing problems for his dad because seeing Alex everyday stressed out is affecting his mood. Alex dosen't really talk to his dad because he's worrying about Slug, the bully and how he's gonna make 5 bucks a week.
   His dad doesn't have a job because of the economy and how everything is changing, Alex's dad plans on making a reopening of his Museum with the new mummy that he has, but His dad feel's like Alex is unsupportive of this idea because Alex won't talk to him much since he has many worries on his mind.
  The way people act may have a bigger impact than you know of like Slug the bully only cares about the 5 dollars that he gets a week and Alex only cares about how he's gonna get it.